Five Things Your Plumber Wants You To Know

If you’ve ever had that feeling of “this would be so much easier if X knew Y,” that’s completely understandable. There are many things in the world that would be much easier if only more things were common knowledge.

As plumbers, we get that struggle, which is why we made this blog to give you a couple of tips to save your pipes. So if you want to save time and money with your home’s plumbing, below are five tips that we want you to know.

Tip #1: Do Not Put Too Many Things Under Your Sink

The area under your sink is a container for drain traps or curved pipes under your sink. When you have a bunch of junk crammed below the sink, you can bump your stuff into the drain trap.

This bumping might be mild but can cause the screw-on joints of your pipes to loosen. Enough work on those joints will eventually cause your pipes to leak, causing major water damage.

Tip #2: Do Not Pour Grease Down Your Sink

Hot grease and fat come in a liquid form, which easily runs down your pipes. However, not all the grease will go down your pipes, as some of it will be left behind.

As the grease cools, it becomes hardened and sticks around. The excess gunk will eventually build up, causing your pipes to become ruined and clogged.

When pouring grease out, it is best to wait for it to cool and throw it in the garbage.

Tip #3: Allow Your Pipes To Drip During Cold Months

Frozen pipes are a common hassle for plumbers during winter. Most of those frozen pipes can be solved by allowing your water to run.

When turning on your sink slightly, it prevents the water from stagnating in one spot. It is much harder to freeze water when it is constantly on the move.

By turning on your faucet or bathtub a little bit, you can save yourself the trouble of heating those pipes again.

Tip #4: Turn Off The Water Valve For Extended Vacations

If you aren’t using the house, why do you want to pay for the water? Turning off your water is one way to save yourself on your water bill.

The secondary bonus comes from the potential of flooding if the mainline is off. You never know when a pipe plans on bursting, so shutting off the mainline prevents any potential flooding with older pipes.

Tip #5: Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals With Older Pipes

Old homes (like those made in the 60s or 50s) have a tendency to have older pipes. While this isn’t a bad problem (old pipes can last quite a while), new chemicals aren’t always great for them.

When you live in an old home, know the material of your pipes. Your home’s plans likely have this information, and those old pipes are not likely suitable for powerful drain cleaners and other tools.

Wrap Up

The things your plumber wants you to know will save your pipes. So when it comes to saving your pipes, consult these tips in the future.

The last tip we have is to have a professional plumber check your pipes out every so often. You can contact our team of specialists to get that done on your time.